Monday, September 30, 2019

Pramoedya Anata Toer Essay

Inem, is a short story written by Pramoedya Anata Toer. He was a Indonesian short story writter and a novel writer, born in a village called Blora. Blora was the village in short story where (Gus Muk), his mom, and Inems family lived in. The author refers to his culture and events about his life in the story. His father in real life is a activist who ruined his family by obsessive gambling. Pramoedya writes alot of Indonesian literature. The aspects of culture in â€Å"Inem,† is the tradition of child marriages. In some parts of the world child marriages was a tradition. Girls at a young age were supposed to marry an older boy. The story also shows the reader some of the cultural aspects such as popular entertainment and dances in her area. The characters in the story are, Gus Muk (age6) a boy, also the narrator who basically trails Inems life. Inems father who is a criminal and gambles alot, her mother who lives off batik work and helps the family, and Markaban (age17) who is Inem’s husband. Lastly theres Inem (age 8) a so called beatiful girl in the neighbor hood who had great manners. Inem is in search of happiness with her new life and husband but ends up being a beaten divorcee. Overview/summary It’s a story told in second person perspective about a beautiful young girl (Inem) who is a servant to a boy (Gus Muk) and his mother. In the story Inem is so beautiful and respectful and able to do many things but is only eight years old and Gus Muk is six. Eventually her mother found a man named, Markaban who is seventeen years old. Her mom did not want to let this marriage go so she wants Inem to get married so she can help her familly at home. Inems family and the husband family both accept the marriage. Inem’s father was a criminal who robbed people in the forest, but was never arrested. Inems mother had a talk with Gus Muk’s mother to try and get her to come home. The boys mother disapproves of the marriage and does not want Inem to go on with this. Gus Muk’s mom said † It’s not right to make children mary repeatedly.† Inems mother said that it would be a shame for her not to be married at such a old age. Inem was later taken home to prepare for her wedding day. Gus Muk’s mom did not want him playing with Inem but that did not stop him from going over to play. The day before the wedding Gus Muk sent her family five kilos of rice and twenty-five cents as a gift. The day of her wedding came, and everything was going well, the house was decorated, the tajuban dancing girls was the entertainment, and finally Inem and her husband get married. Inem was officially married and worked with her mom making batik. Every night Gus Muk and his mother listen to screaming and crying when Inems husband wrestles with her. She comes crying to Gus Muks mom and tells her that Markaban beats her and she tells her to go back home and serve Markaban faithfully. Inem comes back again but finally divorced with her husband, and asks if Gus Muks mother can taker her back, but Gus Muks mom denies her request and sends her back home. Inem gets beaten by anyone who wanted to, her family and neighbors could because she was a burden to the family. Although she cries and screams she never came back to Gus Muk’s house.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Turning Strategy into Great Performance

First, let me start by explaining that a lot of times executives, and some HR leadership fail to recognize that performance and potential are two completely different dynamics that get often confused when companies are trying to hire new talent or possibly promote their current talent for new roles within their organizations. In fact, today's leaders cannot assume that their current top performers are the next potential talent in the industry for future purposes. Certainly, high performers may master their specific job task at the moment, but the â€Å"potential† challenge is going to be how well they will adapt to future role changes, and the ambiguity that may follow with that new role and their current skills capability. Unlike performance, individuals showing potential are identified by how well they adapt at accomplishing new tasks quickly and effectively while learning new roles quicker than their peers. After all, performance keeps businesses running optimally at the moment, but it's potential that helps run the future state of the business and that's what's needed to bring companies to the next level. Besides, employees who have potential have the ability to grow and take on more responsibilities in the future. In short, performance keeps the business moving, while potential makes the business prosper, grow, and mature.In fact, this is where the dynamic changes to potential rather than performance. In his book on Strategy-Driven Talent Management, Silzer and Dowell, (2009) explains that Executives and human resource personnel need to be better trained at accurately assessing talent to identify both potential and behavior rather than just judging by past performance because they will need to predict and envision whether a person will be successful in the long-term or not in future new roles. In the same way, they will need to take into consideration the fact that before moving existing talent into future positions that assessment measures must be taken whether these individuals will continue to be able to perform and grow in their new roles as they did in their past roles. In particular, consider how likely they are to develop and be successful in rapidly learning, adapting, and growing into these future roles (Silzer, & Dowell, 2009). In the same way, Church and Rotolo, (2013) explain in their benchmark survey of large corporations that multi-source assessment tools are a great way for organizations to make decisions about their potential talent and performance identification within their talent pools; help aid in succession planning; and drive behavior change for those selected individuals. In addition, they emphasized that not one specific tool is perfect, but that in using many feedback assessment tools the common end result should point to the same conclusion. In fact, they found specifically that the constant feedback from executives and their peers using 360-degree feedback surveys were successful in almost 70% of the organizations researched. The 360-degree feedback survey helped executives make important decisions regarding their talents potential and performance measurements towards predicting future behavior. Similarly, they also discussed the importance of making these surveys specific to their own needs, challenges, and business strategies (Church, & Rotolo, 2013).Likewise, Dries, Vantilborgh, & Pepermans, (2012) explain the role of learning agility and career variety in the identification and development of high potential employees. Their research found that in order to help identify talent in high potential individuals those individuals needed to succeed in a variety of other roles while being subjected to tough or difficult conditions other than their current limited job tasks and their past performance alone. In fact, those select employees needed to have a high agility for continuous learning they had to be willing and able to learn new competencies. Nevertheless, they emphasized that management in the past have always depended on current job performance to identify high potentials, but have failed because not all high performers are high potential individuals. In brief, they emphasized the need for a learning agility assessment in their development and identification of high potential individuals, in order for organizations to sustain their competitive advantage (Dries, Vantilborgh, & Pepermans, 2012). Equally important, is Campbell & Smith's, (2010) article on High-potential talent: A view from inside the leadership pipeline. These two researchers found that an overwhelmingly 96% of survey participants said that both engagement and commitment were very high on their list for developing potential employees to be motivated to perform above and beyond their specific job duties. More importantly, they explained the vital role that their employee's experiences and perspectives play in identifying potential talent from within the companies talent pipeline. In fact, they believe that when companies invest in talent management to include both career pathways and support for their high potential employee developments that those processes help identify the next steps needed to advance leadership potential and performance within the organization. All the while, building employee engagement, commitment and loyalty to their organization that results in an overall business advantage (Campbell, & Smith, 2010). Nevertheless, because it's such a financial challenge to attract, develop, and support talent management policies for companies today, I believe it's vital for organizations to have in place retention initiatives, tools, and resources to help avoid any such loss of their high potential employees intellectual knowledge, skills, and abilities. Besides, there is a high cost of turnover for companies when employees leave for career advancement elsewhere. Surprisingly, Frey, & Stechstor, (2007) found in their double round of survey interviews of twelve senior human resource experts from large and medium multinational companies that in the first round of the survey, most companies had no real retention management policies or initiatives in place and that their attitudes towards retention management strategies varied greatly from some who thought it was critical to the success of the company, to some who didn't think retention tools were necessarily important at all (Frey, ; Stechstor, 2007). Subsequently, in the second round of survey questionnaires, collected from those same HR experts who were asked to then rate three specific categories of retention management tools that were deemed to be most important to them when possibly implementing them in their own retention policy strategies. The categories for the initiatives for retention were labeled as:1. ‘Must-have', 2. ‘Optional', or3. ‘Trend-setting' As a result of the data collected, in the first group of ‘must have' employee retention tools HR management of those twelve organizations thought that performance related pay, constant feedback, culture and developmental career opportunities were the highest priority for retention of high potential talent. Next, they thought that the second most important tools for retention that should be in the ‘optional' group were listed as job rotation, retirement benefits, coaching, and mentoring. Finally, in the third ‘trend setting' category the tools that they thought were good for future retention strategies were stock options, working from home, and specific job tailoring (Frey, ; Stechstor, 2007). In sum, the value of investing in employee training and development can help an organization in many ways. Namely, by having the ability to run a business leaner and more importantly, by helping to diversify the talent and potential that already exists within the organization. Certainly, when companies invest in their employee development and talent management policies it motivates employees to perform at their best, while at the same time offsetting costs associated with high employee turnover, and retention of skilled labor. All in all, in these difficult economic times when businesses are cutting costs and headcount, identifying and assessing high potential employees can help management move workers around to different areas of the business and run a leaner and cost efficient process. Finally, a company with good employee development also attracts loyal and motivated individuals. Simply put, businesses must have employees who are knowledgeable in more than one skillset to remain competitive. Altogether, training, assessments, and education help ensure that employees have the skills needed to perform their business needs. Therefore, when you invest in your employee's aspirations and abilities, it improves your business performance, efficiency, loyalty, and profit. In other words, the ROI on employee talent development is one of the best long-term investments that a company can make.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

English - Essay Example The effect is devastating to health. One out of three children who were born from 2000 will contact early onset of diabetes and among the minorities, that will be one in two or 50 %. Outbreaks of E-coli are already common that takes toll to our health due to unnatural way of growing and processing this foods which are demanded by fast foods. Second Paragraph: Hidden Cost in Encouraging Locally Produced Food (perhaps you have to re-evaluate this, I saw the movie and this does not fit) The hidden cost in encouraging locally produced food is that is that it is more healthy because it is grown by farmers in the natural way and as such organic and healthy. When the food that you buy does not have to travel that long, no preservatives are added to it to store it longer. It will also discourage multinational corporations, especially the fast food corporations, to control and demand how the food industry should be produced. When their control is weaken in the food industry by encouraging loc ally produced food, the mechanization of the food industry will also be discouraged. Third Paraghraph: Hidden Cost in Encouraging Others to Shop Locally Shopping locally will create demand for the local produce of the farmers and will make their products more viable in the market. As the movie puts it, the answer should not be David fighting Goliath but local producers should be like Goliath.

Friday, September 27, 2019

American presidency Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

American presidency - Assignment Example This database should be broad enough to allow for online and instantaneous retrieval of information, in order to extirpate lies from the debate. The failure to introduce a form of fact-check will leave the public vulnerable to lies despite the gravity of the debate. For instance, Romney charged wrongly that the 716 billion dollars in healthcare reductions would proceed from current beneficiaries. Romney’s charge that Obama used 716 billion dollars to facilitate the Obamacare may be at least dishonest since even Romney’s running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan introduced similar source of revenue in his annual budget plans. Likewise, House Republicans had voted in favor of similar plans in 2010. In a closely related wavelength, Romney included the excision of the Independent Payment Advisory Board as a way of eliminating excessive spending. Although the House voted against the board in March 2012, the Senate has not yet effected the decision of the House. Under the 201o Healthcare Reform Act, the board does not recommend the rationing of healthcare services, increment of premiums, or deductions for healthcare beneficiaries as Romney charged (Cohen, 1). The likeable aspect of the format that was used is its interactive aspect. The interactive aspect was not merely underscored by the facilitation of the answer-question exchange between the presidential contenders and the head of the Commission on Presidential Debates, but by allowing the contenders to ask each other questions and to query each other on policy frameworks. This is instrumental in pointing out the lacunae in policy frameworks and understanding the tenability of the same frameworks. Clearly, the three takeaway points from the debate are: the jobs that needed to be created en masse; the healthcare system which Obama felt needed to be made egalitarian and public-centered as opposed to Romney who wants its spending assuaged; and the economy which Obama wants strengthened

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Follow the Leader Case Study (On Colin L. Powell (Former Secretary of Essay

Follow the Leader Case Study (On Colin L. Powell (Former Secretary of State)) - Essay Example This could not be achieved without his leadership qualities. Leadership is one of the most important traits of human personality. Leadership is the ability in a certain person that influences people present in the environment for the attainments of goals. The concept of leadership however, continues to evolve as the needs of organizational changes take place. Leadership is dynamic and involves the use of different kinds of power. These powers are bifurcated into two main categories; position power and referent power. Many people might mix leadership with management thinking that every manager working at any post of any organization or state can be leader. This is not true at all. The ability to motivate people by your thoughts and personality is not a job everyone can do. Managers are just individuals who are bestowed upon the responsibility by the management to manage a certain task and possess a certain amount of position power; power that comes due to a person's position in the hierarchy. A manager can reward you, punish you or make you work just on the basis of his or her position. Leadership is more of an internal thing; it comes with the personality characteristics or a person's special knowledge. These qualities help the leader to command subordinates' identification with respect and admiration for the leader. These leadership qualities also helps in generating commitment from the subordinates which is different from the one generated by a manager. Commitment means that the people will sh are the leader's point of view and enthusiastically carry out instructions. Leaders usually possess certain personality traits that are considered instrumental in building up their overall personality. The idea was to understand what qualities make the leaders different from other people. These traits include alertness, originality, creativity, self-confidence, ethical conduct and personal identity to name a few. Apart from these traits, work related, social and physical traits possessed by leaders are also different from others. Further studies into this matter have led to the development of another important factor that helps to sustain or break leadership; that relationship is the one between the leader and his or her followers. All the characteristics make a leader different from the ordinary masses. However, one thing should be kept in mind that the leaders are just not born; leadership is a quality that can be introduced in certain people providing them with the right kind of environment. Usually it depends on the kind of environment people have been raised in. Collin L Powell Collin L Powell was born to Jamaican immigrants in 1937 who emphasized on the importance of education and personal achievement. During his early stages of youth, he was unsure of what he wanted with life or what he wanted to achieve. He entered the City College of New York to study geology and it was there he found out the path he wanted to pursue in his life. He joined the Reserves Officers Training Corps (ROTC). He graduated from there with the highest rank on can get at ROTC i.e. of cadet colonel. The army was also able to foresee his leadership skills and his maturity to handle such matters and he was promoted to the level of second lieutenant in the United States Army. He was awarded the Purple Heart

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Department of state Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Department of state - Essay Example The first display that I would like to take the time to speak about concerned the efforts of the Peace Corp as a function of the work they have accomplished in different parts of Southeast Asia. The exhibit showed the harsh conditions coupled with the difficult work that the Peace Corps volunteers have performed as a means of providing fresh drinking water and means of sanitation to some of the more remote districts in places such as Burma and Bangladesh. The exhibit was eye opening because although it is common to hear about the Peace Corps working to better the lives of people in remote corners of the world, it is rare to actually see or hear information that directly relates to the methods by which they do this. Additionally, since news stories are almost always concentric upon the negative with relation to what is going on in the world, it was necessary to visit the museum in order to see first hand some of the things that are being done. Secondly, I spent some time at an exhibit of Joseph E. Davies personal correspondence. To those that are not familiar with him, Joseph E. Davies is the US Ambassador who was responsible for meeting with Joseph Stalin during World War II. As such, the personal correspondence helped to reveal a side of Soviet Russia and the interactions that he had with Joseph Stalin that would otherwise be unknown to history. Furthermore, even though Joseph E. Davies presented an optimistic view of the Soviet Union to the president (FDR), he held a bit of resentment towards the Soviet Union as a result of the show trials that were currently being carried out upon the instructions of Joseph Stalin. With relation to how each of these related to the overall class them, it should be noted that each display helps to show the spirit of integration and involvement with which US diplomacy and foreign

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Questions on Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Questions on Philosophy - Essay Example What problem did Kant find with traditional metaphysics and how does he aim to solve it? (Think Descartes on this also) He thinks he is writing for metaphysicians and Hume because Hume is skeptic about the possibility of metaphysics (SparkNotes Editors). 3. How is it that Hume awoke Kant from his â€Å"dogmatic slumber?† What was it about Hume’s philosophy that was so awakening to Kant? What were the reasons Hume’s observations were so unsettling to Kant? Kant said that Hume's skeptical challenge is what first spurred him toward his critical philosophy. Hume asks how we can make inferences regarding experience: how can I predict what will happen in the future based on what has happened in the past? In order to do so, Hume suggests, I must know some sort of "uniformity principle" that says that events in the future will follow the same sorts of general laws that they have followed in the past. But how can I know this uniformity principle? It isn't logically or nec essarily true, so I can't simply infer it prior to experience like I can with mathematical knowledge. However, I fall into a vicious circle if I claim that I know it from experience, since I need to already have the uniformity principle in order to infer that—the uniformity principle has been true in the past, and it will continue to be true in the future. Thus, Hume concludes that we cannot know that future events will follow the same laws as past events: we just get into the habit of expecting it (SparkNotes Editors). 4. What questions are the ones that Kant thinks need to be answered first if metaphysics as a science is to be possible at all? Which is the question at the foundation of all knowledge? Metaphysics is unlike math or science in that its reach exceeds its grasp. It aspires to know what it cannot know. In finding itself bounded, however, reason also explores the full extent and possibility of human knowledge. While reason cannot tell us anything about things in t hemselves, it can be used to examine our own faculties. Kant redefines metaphysics as a "critique," an attempt to examine how knowledge is structured and justified (SparkNotes Editors). 5. What does Kant mean by all of our judgments being either a priori or a posteriori and either analytic or synthetic? What are examples of each of them? How do these 4 designations of our objects of knowledge differ from the two that Hume argued there were? Kant distinguishes between a priori and a posteriori cognitions and between analytic and synthetic judgments. Knowledge we gain from experience is a posteriori, and what we can know independent of experience is a priori. A synthetic judgment is one whose predicate contains information not contained in the subject, and an analytic judgment is one whose predicate is a mere analysis of the subject. Kant claims that mathematics, natural science, and metaphysics all lay claim to synthetic a priori propositions—propositions that are necessarily but not trivially true, and can be known prior to experience. Since mathematics and pure natural science are well-established fields, he proposes to examine how their synthetic truths are possible a priori in the hope that this examination will shed light on the possibility of metaphysics as a science (SparkNotes Editors). 6. What is so peculiar about knowledge that is both synthetic and a priori? Be able to give examples of these and be able to describe how this is possible according to Kant. Kant

Monday, September 23, 2019

How to Reduce Recidivism among Ex-Convicts Essay

How to Reduce Recidivism among Ex-Convicts - Essay Example This paper argues that incarceration alone is not enough to reduce crime rates, especially re-imprisonment rates, and that the best way to reform ex-convicts is to offer them education, rehabilitation, and employment opportunities that will help them re-integrate more successfully into public life. Background For the past twenty years, the costs of maintaining prison cells have expanded more swiftly than other spending categories of state budgets, except for health care expenditures (Sedgley et al. 498). In 2006, the incarcerated reached the population of 1.57 million, and the incarceration rate grew to 1.9% for five years, from 2000 to 2005 (Sedgley et al. 498). Recidivism is a costly problem, considering that out of more than 600,000 prisoners released every year, 5% returns after six months, while 25.4% are re-imprisoned within three years after release (Sedgley et al. 498). Supporters of imprisonment argue that incarceration serves an important deterrent purpose. If this is so ef fective, however, how come these people are re-imprisoned in as short as six months after their freedom? In this paper’s opinion, they are not prepared yet to become law-abiding citizens, who can find and maintain stable jobs and homes. They need something more than imprisonment to change them; they need society to educate them and to help them deal with their substance abuse problems, if present. Arguments Ex-convicts with substance abuse problems require long-term residential therapeutic system to help them change their attitudes and practices toward illegal drugs. Drugs change how people think, so it means they also need medical and non-pharmacological treatment to wash out these toxins and their effects on their thinking and actions. In â€Å"Recidivism among High-Risk Drug Felons: A Longitudinal Analysis Following Residential Treatment,† Belenko et al. studied the effect of participating in Drug Treatment Alternative to Prison (DTAP) program on ex-con’s rec idivism rate. They used a longitudinal quasi-experimental design that had an experimental sample of 150 offenders and a comparison sample of 130 offenders. Findings showed that diverting drug offenders to DTAP resulted to lower rates of recidivism; yearly arrest rates and the total number of months of new incarceration were considerably reduced; and the time before the first re-arrest was longer. Another study recommends the use of a drug court, so that drug offenders are not lumped with hard-core criminals through incarceration. In â€Å"Drug Court: An Effective Alternative to Incarceration,† Kalich and Evans study the effectiveness of the F.I.S.T Drug Court Program in decreasing the recidivism rates of participants, when compared to a control group. Drug courts respond to the â€Å"need for public safety by providing extensive monitoring of clients through frequent court contacts, group treatment sessions, and drug testing† (570). Findings showed that dependence on d rug court components is directly related to lower rates of recidivism (Kalich and Evans 587). The researchers also learned the importance of determining and utilizing suitable group comparisons in recidivism studies (Kalich and Evans 587). These studies provide compelling evidence that incarceration is not suitable for drug offenders. Instead, they should be coerced to take long-term residential treatment that will persist, until these offenders are fully

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Film Journal Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Film Journal - Personal Statement Example The motivation factor behind this course of action is to show Fifty Shades of Grey is not advancing modern feminism. My discovery that fits this story particularly is Freud’s treatment of Masochism and sadism in his discussion of sexual aberrations. Christian is a direct embodiment of Oedipus complex. The term is used to signify a child’s desire to have sex with his parents. In our case, Freud might suggest that Christian lacks an outlet that can help him master the Oedipus complex. He thus finds girls and women who can represent his mother and exploits them sexually in order to get the feeling of control of his past and sexuality. Analyzing the movie, The Girl with The Dragon tattoo, I would focus on the incident where Lisbeth is assaulted by her guardian. The movie misses a bold opportunity to project voyeurism in the incidents of recorded or photographed violence. The movie could have revealed more about the real and scary human fascination as well as preoccupation with violence and sex

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Facebook and Student Essay Example for Free

Facebook and Student Essay People use Facebook for many reasons; some of them consider it the vehicle to communicate with their friends, including old friends or current friends; some agree that it also helps them relax when they are stressful; others, on the other hand, might argue that Facebook brings distractions to them (Facebook 101). For instance, my friend, a quite person, did not socialize with people in both real life and in the Internet community. However, after knowing Facebook in a short period of time, he became addicted to it. He used most of his time to chat with friends, to play games, and to stare at his Facebook profile. Now, his friends list comes up to 300 and he daily logs on Facebook from 3 to 4 hours a day. Hopefully, this research of our group will help college students get better understanding of the role of Facebook in students’ lives. Moreover, not only students in general but also people of all ages will gain their cognitive of the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook. The research will benefit reader to determine whether Facebook is good or bad for human being. Furthermore, if people use it as a habit or want to check of how frequently they use it, they could apply this research as an important source to figure out whether they are addicted to Facebook or not, or where they are in the rank. Hypotheses: Our research paper is mainly focused on the impacts of Facebook on BHCC students. The effects will be discussed on both negative and positive sides of Facebook. First of all, we predict that Facebook will mostly bring negative effects on students and employees. If they use it so repeatedly, they might be addicted and cause distractions in working or studying. This is already proved in the story of my friend. Secondly, because of the separation of geographies or busy life, people tend to talk less and type more in this modern life. So, we also want to check it out of how many percentages that Facebook occupies our private lives. The last assumption will mention about privacy threat on Facebook. On the other hand, besides of its negative, our group wants to observe how people use Facebook effectively since it is the most useful communication tool to most people. Research Method: Our research was done with the survey format of 22 questions. We developed questions with many concerns about Facebook. All the questions were related directly to our purposes, which are substitution of social life, distractions to school/work, privacy theft, and communication tool. Approximately each category will cover from 4 to 5 questions to get into deep understanding of the aspects. Each of the questions shows the list of answers for participants to demonstrate their thoughts. When we provide the survey to participants, we are not stay close to them to make sure that they could feel comfortable when filling the questions. We are not going to record any participants’ names and to remain them anonymous. To do that, we could get the answers honestly and that would serve the expectation of our group. Participants and Procedure: Our group met several times for the research very carefully to discuss what we would do for the plan. First, we decided to work on Facebook but it was such the general issue for us whether to go on its good or bad sides. Properly, many college students just see advantage sides but they do not perspective of its side effects. Hence, we combined both sides, and decided that we would concentrate more on the negative effects of Facebook. After gathering all the questions of each member, we filtered and arranged them in order in the survey. To collect and choose which questions are suitable for out hypotheses, it took us almost two weeks to come up with all agreements. Understanding that people are hesitating to help our research, the reasons are vary as they are in rush, they are lazy, or even they do not want to listen to what we talking about. Furthermore, we targeted on BHCC’s college student, so we finally chose to go to the BHCC’s library or started with our other classmates to get the results. Moreover, we provided our team members spent a week conducting the survey to ensure that they could do the project thoroughly. Especially, we already created Facebook group account for our members to share, to debate, and to discuss and make sure we were on the right track. Surprisingly, the results came out our pleasure: BHCC’s students were eager and happy to help us when asked to fill out with Facebook questions. However, very few numbers of participants answer our  survey quickly and unready, so we already ignore those minorities. Data Results and Analysis: Our group had a total of 162 surveys, which were added by all of our group members. In our last question we asking people about â€Å"What would you rather describe Facebook as?†, and the result did not surprise us, we already knew that as an assumption. More than half of our participants –118 out of 162 or 73 percent of total result consented that Facebook as a useful communication too. Some of them added that they used Facebook to communicate with friends and families, to share pictures, videos, status and information, or to kill time if bored; therefore, most of them choose to pick its good side as an answer. The last 27 percent, 44 of 162, chose â€Å"a powerful distraction† as the result (Figure 1). As you can see on the chart (Figure 2), it can explain why three-fourth of our participants prefers Facebook as useful tool (Figure 1). There are so many ways to use Facebook that suite with people interests. The majority of participants use Facebook to check mail, to chat, to communicate, and to update friends’ information as 97 of 497 (19%), 80 of 497 (16%), 75 of 497 (15%), and 62 of 497 (13%) respectively. Besides that, 4% users also log in Facebook for playing games/quizzes, and 9% use it for relaxing when bored. It is interesting that there are a small number of participants – 11 students, approximately 2% in total choose Facebook as a studying tool. As we mention above, Facebook is also distractive at work and school, and the statistic already proved this. 56 percentages – slightly above half of the percentages access to Facebook at home, 21 percentages and 4 percentages do that at work and school. The rest 19 percentages access by cell phones; even though we do not know exactly where they use them, we indicate they are not properly use them at home. (Figure 3) According to the results from survey, we divided this bar chart into two categories: addicted group and non-addicted group. The first group includes many times/day, more than 2 hours/day, 1-2 hours/day, and 3-5 hours/week. The other is 1-2 hours/week and less than an hour/week. Both groups have  nearly equal balance about 50 percent each; therefore, we could have more trustful information and it is not bias. (Figure 4) After all, we conclude BHCC’s students are not really addicted on Facebook. They contribute equally in both studying/working and relaxing on Facebook. We agree that Facebook right now is the most popular use in the world and it is on the way growing up, yet it still cannot replace other multimedia communications like phones in general, instant messengers, and in direct with person. In the figure 5, Facebook occupies the smallest percentage in the pie chart with 17%. The next two common ways of communicating with friends are using instant messengers like Yahoo, AIM, MSN, or Skype (19%), and socializing with friend face to face (18%). Absolutely, instant messengers and in person have theirs advantages in communication because we can listen and talk simultaneously, or even we can see our partner faces by webcams. The largest percentage is using phones which are 46%. They are still the most familiar way to exchange all the time by talking and texting. We assume that because of its lack of â€Å"live† features like those above, Facebook still cannot be a substitution in personal life. Figure 6 and figure 7 show us â€Å"How many friends are there in participant friend’s list?†, and â€Å"With how many out of your Facebook friends do you frequently communicate?† People tent to protect their privacies by having fewer friends than ever on Facebook, 53 percentages and 35 percentages are chosen to have less than 100 friends and from 100 to 200 friends in friends’ list (Figure 6). In there, 25% and 50% is the most common rank to contact with friends on friends’ list, approximately 52 percentages. The next best option is less than 25% with 31 percentages (Figure 7). Our results in the survey proved that people do not really want to socialize usually on Facebook; they just need Facebook to relax, not the place for them to put their personal information. In the next graph will show how Facebook users think of privacy when using it. (Figure 8) More than half of our respondents do not want to add unknown people as friends, about 70% (Figure 8). This could be explained, if they add them as friends, they do not contact with them on Facebook, according to figure 7. Generally speaking, people do not want to express themselves on social network. Conclusion: The result of doing this survey gives us better interpretation of how a social network could affect on people life. Especially BHCC’s students, they adopt and love Facebook’s features, but they could still control their time spending on it. Therefore, most of the students consider Facebook a helpful tool to socialize with others. Even though Facebook is good for students to communicate with other people and make their social life happier, sometimes, Facebook appears to be a distraction to their study and private life. Using Facebook too much can make student exhausted and also affect their health badly. In addition, it is important to realize that Facebook is only an online tool, and it cannot replace human being’s activities. Students should allocate their time spending on studying, socializing, and using Facebook effectively, so that they can balance their real life and their online life to avoid being distracted by any network. Limitation: Even our team has done with the research, but it still has limitations when doing this. Due to the lack of processing time and missing experience in each member of us, we extend more time on choosing questions, or picking for secondary research, and then filtering the result as well. The amount of seven weeks seems not enough for us to accomplish a professional research as others. In addition, funding is also significant too. Because we did have any fund for the research, so we mainly focus on BHCC college’s students and limit on the number of respondents. In our questionnaires, we would want to ask more questions about how distractive in performance of workers and students at Bunker Hill Community College, and we desire to collect more information from school staffs and professors. However, our results from the participants are appropriated because of respondent’s excitements and their honest answers. We are glad that they did cooperate very well with us. Works Cited N.p., n.d. â€Å"Facebook- The Complete Biography† Web. 13 May 2010. . â€Å"Facebook 101: Ten Things You Need to Know About Facebook.† EBSCOhost. Ed. Thomas Krivak. Information Today Inc. 2010. Web. 01 May 2010 .

Friday, September 20, 2019

Single Parenthood The Effects On Childrens Academic Outcomes Education Essay

Single Parenthood The Effects On Childrens Academic Outcomes Education Essay Single parenthood is not a source of drawback but research on childrens academic outcomes has proved to be the other way round (Olson et al.,1993). In an Atlantic magazine article entitled Dan Quayle was right, Whitehead (1993, p.77) viewed the family breakdown connected with the rise in single parent households as a central cause of many of our most vexing social problems. Evidence from the study conducted by Dornsbusch et al. (1985) indicated that absences and behaviour problems in school are affected by the family structure. Family structure (number of parents and number of siblings) is also said to influence student academic achievement (Manning, 1998; Pong, 1997, 1998). Social psychologists like Sewell and Hauser (1980) believed that social processes in the home is concerned with the familys influence on the childs academic behaviours as parental expectations, parenting styles or parent-child communication. Adolescents who live in single parent households have lower grades than those living in intact families (Dornbusch et al., 1987). Kinard and Reinherz (1984) found that third grade children who live with disrupted families had more attentive problems at school as compared to those who live with never-disrupted families or families that were disrupted when the child was in preschool. The impact of divorce influences the childs ability to attend school-related tasks. Roberts (1987) claimed that the separation or divorce of their parents leads to a loss of self esteem and rejection by one parent. The school work and behaviour of the children are affected by these changes. The classroom and the teacher act as stabilizing agents in the childrens lives. Single parent families have become more and more common nowadays, thus, research revealed that children from this type of households will suffer academically as compared to those from two parent families. This difference pertains to several reasons and this study will provide more explanations and research on the detrimental impact that single parenthood has on childrens lives and the society in general. Allison and Furstenberg (1989), Blanchard and Biller (1971), Fowler and Richards (1978), Guidubaldi et al. (1983), Hess and Camara (1979), Santrock (1972), Sciara (1975), Shinn (1978), Sutton-Smith et al. (1968) found that there is a cognitive deficit in performance between children in divorced or fatherless families and those in intact families. Hetherington et al. (1985) stated that boys living with single parents are more likely to show angry aggressive behaviour at school and at home. Guttman et al. (1987) argued that children who have divorced parents have a bad academic perform ance as compared to those with two parent families. Ratings by parents and teachers that focused on the academic skills of reading, math, and spelling were lower for children from divorced families than those from intact families (Gelbrich Hare 1989; Guidubaldi 1989). Moreover, children from divorced homes were more likely than children from intact families to have repeated a grade, to have been referred to a school psychologist for services, and/or to receive special education services (Guidubaldi, Perry Nastasi 1986; Kinard Reinherz 1984). From a study conducted by Shreeve et al. (1986), it was found that the performance of children from divorced families were lower than children from intact families when class standings and grade point were compared. McLanahan and Sandefur (1994) and Wallerstein (1991) claimed that the lower test score performance, lower grade point averages and poorer attendance revealed their underachievement. When they were asked about their expectations relating to college, 32 percent of children living in divorced families had ambitions to attend college and 37 percent of children from intact families planned to attend college. As such there was a five percent difference between the two groups. Their lower academic achie vement and fewer years of education proved their vulnerability in terms of income and its effect on their lifestyle. From five longitudinal studies, McLanahan and Sandefur (1994) summarized that nearly 48 to 54 percent of children living in single parent families were enrolled in college and 15 to 20 percent graduate from college. On the other hand, 51 to 61 percent of children living in two parent families enroll in college and 21 to 37 % graduate from college. McLanahan and Sandefur (1994) claimed that divorce leads to the loss of social and economic resources owing to a loss in the household income, residential mobility and meeting with the non-custodial parent. Such drastic changes occurring in the life of a child produce social stress. The altered family structure has a negative influence on the parent-child relationships and interactions. This leads to behavioural changes in the child. The childs poor cognitive ability, low achievement at school and social-emotional aspects of his life were reflected in his adjustment to divorce. Also the childs level of maternal education is decreased. Divorce is one of the causes of single motherhood but the proportion of children with single mother as a result of out-of-wedlock pregnancy is multiplying. Today, one third of the births are from non married mothers. According to McLanahan et al. (2001), this type of family can have limited human capital and financial resources. A lack of economic resources available in single parent households who are poorer than two-parent families have a negative impact on childrens educational performance (McLanahan, 1958). McLanahan and Sandefur argued that the income of the single parent families and that of the intact families explains the differences in childrens test scores, grades, college enrollment and college graduation. McLanahan conducted studies on the impact that family structure has on high school completion and years of school completed by children by the age of 23. It was found that although the negative effect of living in single parent family was diminished by income for Whites, a small independent effect for both races still prevails. A similar explanation of the detrimental impact of single parenthood on the academic achievement of children demonstrates the lack of social capital in single-parent families. Coleman (1988) believed that the number of parents in a family indicates the social capital available. Also, he claimed that the amount of time single parents spend with their children promotes fewer interactions with their children than those in two-parent families and so their children are provided with less supportive learning environment, parental finances and education. Brooks-Gunn et al. (1999) discovered that there is a link between family income and childrens attainment. McLanahan (1985), Milne, Myers, Rosenthal, and Ginsburg (1986) stated that on average, single parent families tend to be low-income families. The importance of the family structure was found to be related to the child outcomes. The amount of money which the single parent invest in his or her childrens studies influence the latters academic achievement. Single motherhood diminishes the economic resources available to families (McLanahan and Sandefur, 1994; Page and Stevens, 2002) as non-custodial fathers provide less money in their childrens household. By reducing income and searching for a greater paid job, single mothers increase the time children must spend in household chores and working for pay, which in turn negatively affect their educational achievement and progress (Garfinkel and McLanahan, 1986). As such, family income was found to influence childrens educational aspirations, their status among peers, the extent to which their lives are stable and the insecurity within their family. As such, family income was found to influence childrens educational aspirations, their status among peers, the extent to which their lives are stable and the insecurity within their family. Beckers (1965,1981) theory of household production stipulated that the academic attainment of the children is an output of the parents income and time and is viewed as a commodity wished by the family. Time spent in the labour market provide income to buy goods and services and combine with non market hours in household production. The parents inability to combine these resources leads to under achievement of children. Increased achievement of the children is believed to be increase by additional inputs by the parents. Fleisher (1977) and Leibowitz (1974a,b) argued that educational achievement of children is correlated with parental time, especially of the mother and to inputs of income (Bowles,1972; kiker and Condon, 1981). Time and money act as constraints in all families but there is a limitation of these resources in single parent families. Espenshade (1979) believed that when a two parent family changes to a single parent one, income decreases. Hoffman (1977) claimed that separa ted or divorced mothers economic status declines but on the other hand the status of their male counterparts ameliorates. Educational attainment of the child is negatively influenced by the limited family income which decreases financial support for further education and enhancing early entry into the job market. Restriction of the time spent with the children comes from the absence of the father. Furstenberg et al. (1983) stipulated that are more likely not to contact their children than seeing them once in 12 months. Furthermore, the absence of the father promotes the reduction of time the mother is available to the child. Brandwein, Brown and Fox (1974) believed that children living in female headed families are more deprived of their parents because the mothers are forced to engage in time and energy consuming activities. Though the mother do not need to provide time for her husband, her home time inputs in childbearing is decreased because there is a need for her to accomplish the tasks done by the father in two parent families. Robinson (1980) discovered that less time is spent in child rearing practices by single mothers. Single mothers have to devote more time to their job and less to the upbringing of her children than married mothers (Duncan and Hoffman, 1985).  As such, the structural difference between having two parents and a single mother negatively affect parenting. Norton and Glick (1986) found that 60% of American children live in single parent families which lack most of the resources available in a two-parent family especially time and money. It is important to use the resources in the human capital such as the skill, knowledge and abilities of the children. Children living in single parent families suffer from the deprivation of these basic resources, psychological and socioeconomic consequences. The educational attainment is seen to be a long-term socioeconomic outcome. Bane and Ellwood (1983) believed that education either promotes welfare or leads to poverty. Unemployment is determinant of lack of education. Entwistle et al. (1995) provided other explanations which entails the meager material resources of single parents and the time pressures on them, owing to which they are unable to participate in their childrens schooling. Lower income families have fewer academic materials at home and hence, cannot improvise enrichment outside of school. The single parents involvement in the childs schooling is low, their supervision is lesser and their expectation of the child is lower. Low monetary and non monetary resources justify the lower academic achievement of single parent children compared to those with intact families. A study by Cooksey et al. (1997) revealed that when the statistics of the monetary and nonmonetary resources are controlled, the effect of single parenthood is decreased. The lower availability of energy and time enhances the single employed mothers to be less available to supervise their childrens activities and schoolworks which leads to the decrease of their academic achievement and hence they will be more negatively influenced by their peers. L.Hoffman (1986) believed that work takes time and energy away from the family. As cited in the Book of Inequality at the starting gate-Social differences in achievement as children begin school differences in achievement scores of children in literacy and mathematics were found on the basis of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and social background. Differences in childrens test scores were found in terms of race and ethnicity as they begin kindergarten. The cognitive scores of children with the highest SES were 60% above those of the lowest SES even before entering kindergarten. Furthermore, the math achievement was 21 % higher for Whites than Black children and 19% lower for Hispanics. The family structure and the educational expectations are related to the SES and the childrens test scores. 15% of White children, 54% of black and 27% of Hispanic children live in single parent families. 48% of single parent households are found in the lowest SES quintile. Factors defining risk or educational disadvantage include race, ethnicity, poverty, single-parent family structure, poorly educated mothers, and limited English proficiency (Natriello et al. 1990). Natriello et al. (1990) stated that about 40% of school-age children were at risk. Brewster (1994) and Duncan (1994) conducted studies on neighbourhood effects and found that the family income, percentage of families in poverty and those headed by women contribute to achievement. OHare (1996) claimed that the poverty rate is five times greater than two-parent families with children and is 44% in female headed families with children. Family income influences childrens performance and academic measures. In the U.S., as in most industrialized societies, education is a key factor for predicting social mobility (Blau Duncan 1967; Erikson Goldthorpe 1992; Featherman Hauser 1978; Sewell Hauser 1975). From the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, Dunifon discovered that children who live with single mothers are exposed to significant declines in their academic achievement. Beller et al. (1992) found that single parent families negatively influence childrens attainment at school; enhance dropping out at school and lower chance of entering college. P.R. Amato and B. Keith (1991) conducted a Meta analysis on children living in divorced families. It was found that children living with a single parent have lower scores on measures of academic performance, conduct, psychological adjustment, self-concept, and social relations compared to those living with two parents. Haveman et al. (2001) claimed that American children with single parents are less likely to graduate from high school than those with two parent families. Lambert (1988) argued that it is appropriate to place children living in single parent families and those who experience family disruption in a special education class. On the other hand, Dunifon claimed that the test scores of children living with single mothers and a grandparent and those living with two parents do not differ. Research on the SES has revealed that schools with high SES achieve more than those with low SES. Gamoran (1992) and Willms (1992) believed that schools enrolling students from high SES family background provide more efficient learning and higher academic performance. Studies by Blau and Duncan (1967), Featherman and Hauser (1978) and Freeman (1974) revealed that males from single parent families have done fewer years of schooling than those living with two parents. Parental involvement acts as an intervening variable to the functioning of the family background which affects academic achievement of children. A range of forms of involvement is analysed as to how they described two measures of academic achievement such as the academic test scores and grades and how they are limited by resources like income, education and time. Involvement in three contexts was examined: the home, community and school. Many empirical studies have found a positive relationship between parental involvement and students academic achievement.(Dornbusch, Ritter, Leiderman, Roberts and Fraleigh (1987)). Parental involvement and encouragement are important influences on academic success. Discussion and encouragement when children are younger also increase the likelihood of their ultimately graduating from high school (Howell and Frese, 1982). Consistency of parental encouragement through the high school years is positively related to attending college, but less predictive of attendance at a twoyear college than a four-year college (Conklin Dailey, 1981). High school dropouts report less parental monitoring of their activities and less discussion with parents (Ekstrom et al, 1986). Parents of dropouts may express their opposition to dropping out but not take any specific action to help their adolescent stay in school (Mahan Johnson, 1983). Parental interest may by shown by the presence of study aids such as encyclopedias and dictionaries in the home, also related to the likelihood of staying in school (Ekstrom et al, 1986). Evidence from Ho and Willmss (1996) study showed that the amount of parental participation in school positively influence the performance of eighth-grade students over the effect of individual parents participation. The negative influence of a single parent family on academic achievement is typical of parent-child relationships in such families. The parent-child relationship that leads to academic achievement reflects parental discipline, control, monitoring, concern, encouragement and consistency. Dornbusch et al. (1987) believed that permissive or strict parenting has a negative impact on childrens grades. Single mothers are more likely to score higher on permissive parenting than two parent families. Baydar and B.Gunn (1991), Bogenschneider and Steinberg (1994), Bronfenbrenner and Crouter (1982), Gold and Andres (1978), Hoffman (1979) and Milne et al. (1986) found that children-of all ages from preschool through high school, of full-time employed mothers do not perform well at school. Research conducted by McLanahan (1985) revealed that students are at risk due to the stress of family breakup. Less parental supervision and lower achievement have been linked to the absence of a father. As the father is not present, the mother has to undertake a job and is less likely to be available to supervise her childrens education. Students learn more and perform better at schools that have strong parental involvement (Goldring Shapira, 1996; Ho Willms, 1996), emphasize academic success (Lytton Pyryt, 1998; Zigarelli, 1996) and have a disciplinary climate conductive to teaching and learning (DeBaryshe, Patterson, Capaldi, 1993; Ma Willms, 1995). Empirical evidence shows that single parents spend less time in supervising and monitoring their childrens schooling. Single parents, are believed by researches, to have lower educational aspirations and expectations for their children. As Astone and McLanahan stipulated, these aspects lead to negative educational outcomes for tho se children. Furthermore, research by Drowney in 1994 have found that the parental involvement at school such as attendance at school functions and meetings, providing help in school chores and attending parent-teacher associations have cater for the low academic performance of children living in single mothers. Controlled SES in some studies (S. Lee, 1993) revealed that a lower verbal communication about school matters prevails between single parents and their children. Single mothers have to devote more time to their job and less to the upbringing of her children than married mothers (Duncan and Hoffman, 1985).  As such, the structural difference between having two parents and a single mother negatively affect parenting and thus, childrens schooling. Sigle-Rushton and McLanahan (2004) stated that decreased quantity of parental time with children results in poor socialization, less involvement, less supervision and monitoring and emotional support. Maccoby and Martin (1983) found that children from single mother families are disadvantaged when effective socialization is reinforced by a second person. However, S. Lee (1993) found a link between the low academic performance and behavioural problems of single-parented children to the low level of acquaintance with the parents of their peers. Growing up with a single mother results in an ineffective parenting which in turn hurts child outcomes (Astone and McLanahan, 1991; Thomson, McLanahan, and Curtin, 1992). The type of parenting a single mother provides to her children may be due to the disruption that non-marital pregnancy or divorce has on her. Her psychological misbalance may lead to withdrawal, worse parenting or both (Furstenberg and Cherlin, 1991).   The authoritative parenting style, characterized by warmth, interest and concern along with clear rules and limits, has a positive effect on grades; parenting that is permissive or authoritarian has a negative effect on grades (Dornbusch et al, 1987). Permissive parenting can be motivated by either a permissive, liberal orientation or one that is neglectful and disengaged. The neglectful style has the most negative effects on grades, attitudes towards school, and ability (Lamborn, Mounts, Steinberg, Dornbusch, 1991). Inconsistency in parenting style exerts the most detrimental effects on academic performance (Steinberg, Brown, Cazmarek, Cider, Lazarro, n.d.). Parents with more education are more likely to be authoritative and less likely to be permissive or authoritarian. Single mothers score higher on permissive parenting than those in two-parent families and stepparents are more likely to be permissive or authoritarian than parents in two-parent families (Dornbusch et al, 1987). Dornbusch, Ritter, Leiderman, Roberts, and Fraleigh ( 1987) found that parents with authoritative parenting styles have children who receive higher grades Moreover, studies demonstrated that the mothers speech is closely related to childrens vocabulary development. Some studies were based on observing children at home to enquire about family dynamics that are linked to their vocabulary development. Vocabulary development was found to be associated with later academic performance. One study, in which researchers observed mother-child interactions every month for the first two years of childrens lives, concluded that the elaboration of mothers language interactions with their young children was strongly differentiated by social class (Hart and Risley, 1995). As single parenting involves the mothers moving from richer to poorer communities after marital break ups, the family is disconnected with the community and its resources. Changing schools indicates school failure (Teachman, Paasch, and Carver, 1996). Cavanagh argued that small proportion of single-father families were found in the data collected in all countries. Children living in single-father families, display more behavioural and academic problems than those in either single-mother or step-families. Walker and Woods (1976) speculated that fathers in general do not much involved in childcare but they do help in other tasks, give emotional support and discipline and act as a role model for the children (Hetherington, 1981). A minority of children receive child support payments which is a small amount from their non-custodial fathers (Furstenberg and Cherlin, 1991).  Non-custodial fathers involve less time with their children as compared to married fathers. This include fathers of children born out of wedlock and divorced fathers whose involvement with their children decreases with time (Furstenberg and Cherlin, 1991; Edin and Kefalas, 2005). Fatherless households were assumed to be incomplete and the primary cause of delinque ncy, poor academic achievement, school drop-outs, and negative relationships with the parents, low self-esteem, sexual promiscuity and welfare dependence.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Brians Search For The Meaning Of Life In W.o. Mitchells Who Has Seen :: essays research papers

Brian's Search for the Meaning of Life in W.O. Mitchell's Who Has Seen the Wind By Rodrigo Goller Through the brilliantly written book Who Has Seen the Wind, Mitchell is able to very effectively describe the tale of one boy and his growth on the Saskatchewan prairie. Brian's childhood revolves around aspects of everyday life, and in it he attempts to explain that which has evaded and mystified even the great minds of our times: the meaning of life. He is able to somewhat understand the meaning of life though his experiences with birth, particularly that of a pigeon, and a rabbit. His up-close-in-your-face learning of death, at an early age, when his dog, and subsequently his father dies. Lastly Brian's realization that it's all just sensations, and feelings complete his search for the meaning of life. Early in his life, Brian has many experiences with birth. The first of these comes to him at an early age when he sees newborn pigeons. When his father explains how these pigeons were made, Brian understands that birth is the beginning of life. Four years later, a similar conversation comes up when Brian asks his father how rabbits are born. With this new found knowledge, Brian also sees another newborn. But this time it was a two-headed calf, who dies at birth. Because of this, Brian comes to the realization that "God isn't very considerate"(166), for sometimes he lets things like the two headed cow come into this world, only to suffer and then die. The Second instance in which Brian is confronted with the meaning of life, comes to him when he sees death, and asks himself why. When Brian's pigeon died, he asked his father why it had happened. "Why?" said Brian. "It happens to things," his father said. "Why does it happen to things?" He turned up his face to his father, cheeks stained with drying tears. "That's the way they end up." Brian looked down at the baby pigeon in his hand. "It was an egg. Now it's stopped." "Yes Spalpeen, it's stopped." (56) Although this was hard for Brian to face, he was once again confronted with death. This second time, his dog Jappy dies crushed by a carriage of horses as "the front wheels of the dray missed Jappy. The hind ones did not. A shrill and agonized cry arose." (175) As Brian stood by, not able to help his dog, Brian "knew that this lifeless thing [ once had lived, but now ] his dog was dead,"(176) and that there was nothing he could ever do to bring Jappy back.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Navy Of The Civil War :: essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Civil War consisted of many legendary battles over the soil of the United and Confederate States of America, which will be retold for generations in history books. Although these land battles were indeed great, the concept of this paper will be the Naval warfare of the Civil War, paying certain attention to the battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Neither the North nor the South was prepared for Naval activities at the beginning of the war. In order to better prepare the Navy for war, three new designs were put into action for future ships. The most successful of these designs was the Monitor.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The South was at a disadvantage to the North throughout the war. The South was at a lack for manpower during the war, since most of the seamen in the US Navy were from the North and therefore stayed with the Union when the southern states seceded. The South was also found disadvantaged for iron plates for ship armor, since there was only one establishment in the South capable of producing them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The South, knowing their disadvantage in numbers, made the call for commerce raiding of northern ships. The southern government encouraged privateering of northern ships. This privateering would help take the burden of building up the Navy off the government, since privately owned ships and sailors would be assisting the Confederate war goals.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The response of the North was the blockade on the southern states. This dealt a similar blow to the South that privateering would cause to the North: the loss of supplies. Since the south was a primarily agricultural area, they had few factories to produce war supplies. The goal of the blockade was to cut any supplies and allow the underdeveloped southern states to run out of war goods. Fortunately for the Confederacy, their large coastline was very difficult for the Union Navy to completely blockade.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In measures taken to trade in spite of the northern blockade, blockade-running was employed. Fast wooden ships were used to slip by the blockaders to carry cotton to trading nations in exchange for badly needed war supplies. Blockade-runners did not help the Confederacy with supplies, however, as trading luxuries, such as jewelry and brandy, were more profitable. An act was passed to prevent the import of these luxuries, but was rarely enforced. As a result, the runners succeeded in wasting the slender supply of trained seamen on the imports of useless materials for war.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Nostradamus: The Truth Behind the Prophecies Essay -- Prophecy Prophet

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For Many years scholars and interpreters have been trying to find any truth that could possibly be found in the writings of Nostradamus. For many occasions people have been convinced that this man could see the future and he documented it in his many journals and books titled The Centuries. The writings and prophecies have been a controversial issue for many years. Most Nostradomus translators have more than likely misinterpreted his work because of his nearly illegible style of writings, thus false information is commonly found about this man of the past.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nostradamus, a French Jew converted to Christian who lived in France in the 16th century. Born Michel de Nostredame on December 14th 1503 in St. Remy, France. He was the oldest of five children. His grandfather, Jean, taught him Latin, Greek, Hebrew, mathematics and astrology at an early age. Nostradamus received a medical degree in 1529 and became a physician. â€Å"Nostradamus made his reputation as a doctor of extraordinary skill gave generously to the poor.† (Sobel B)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nostradamus was in his late when he frequently went into a meditative state and reported to have visions of the future. He began to document his visions in a number of journals in a mixture of Latin, French, and Greek quatrains, publishing his famous â€Å"Centuries† in 1558. Nostradamus had married twice, losing his first wife and children to the plague. Living in France from 1503-1566 AD, making a living as a wealthy French astrologer and physician, Nostradamus led an almost perfect life for his time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Frechman also predicted his own death which occurred on July 2, 1566. I t was the end of his foretelling the future on this planet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  De retour d`ambassade, don de roy mis au lieu,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Plus n1en fera: sera alle a Dieu   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Parans plus proches, amis, freres du sang,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Trouve tout mort pres du lict et du banc.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When translated:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On his return from the embassy, having secured the kings gift,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He will be no more, (his spirit) having returned to God,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nearby will be his close family, his friends and his brothers,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He will be found dead near the bed and the bench.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nostradamus returned to his home late in the day returning from a visit of the king for which he was presented with three hundred gold crowns. After being worn out from the carriage ride home he decided t... ... predictions are fake many do believe that he could accurately predict the future.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lets just think for a second, What could I predict for the future that will ensure my prediction to come true? The first thing that I would do is predict something to happen with fire. Come on how many events in the past, present, and future result in a fire? I would also predict it to happen in a large city like our ever so brilliant Nostradamus. Answer this, how many things have happened in the city as result to fire. Eventually it would come true and Nostradamus was no dummy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Is it wrong to assume that Nostradamus could in fact predict the future? From the information gathered it is easy to come to the conclusion that the writings of Nostradamus can no more tell the future than a child’s nursery rhyme.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A prediction that can only be interpreted after the events it supposedly foresees have occurred is not a â€Å"predition† at all. Anyone could spew out a thousand vague â€Å"prophecies† and not have to explain what they meant until after the events they supposedly predicted had occurred. With this it is possible for anyone to manage a pretty impressive record for accuracy too.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Christian family Essay

The authors of several books are celebrated for the different artistic works that they produce. In their real lives, not it is everything can however be celebrated. This is because some have undergone a hard time throughout their lives. Some have gone to the extent of committing suicide so as to end the problems in their lives. Sylvia Plath and Emily Dickenson are good examples of authors who have faced a hard life and who used their writing works to express their feelings. They have undergone through a hell of life by losing their parents and enduring the extramarital affairs of their husbands as well as degenerative diseases in their late life. Further, they have manifested some similarity in their early lives because they were all brought up in a Christian family. They also had a desire to learn, an aspect that made them achievers in developing artworks. Plath and Dickenson had very tragic and troubled lives. To start with, Dickenson was born during the month of December 1830 in Amherst community. She was the second daughter of Edward Dickenson. Throughout her life, her mother was not accessible emotionally and this absence caused Dickenson to depict some eccentricity. Being born in a Christian tradition, she was forced to espouse her father’s religious beliefs without any argument. These are some of the things that came to be challenges in Dickenson’s late life as is evident through her poetry. Her family was very popular in Amherst with her father being a lawyer who made that family to enjoy immense popularity and excitement. Dickenson did not enjoy this; instead, she withdrew (Paul). When her father realized that she had a problem with his Christian religion he began to censor the books that she was reading because of their potential of drawing her away from faith. In her early life, she was silent and shy; she used to depreciate in the presence of strangers. Dickenson was very successful in college but after her life in seminary in 1848, she began her life of seclusion. The culmination of these problems made her life miserable. To add to her tragic life, she was never married although she had significant relationships which did not however work out. She lived in a private society and she could refuse to see certain people who paid her a visit. It may sound very sad that by the time she was twenty years, she had no extended exposure to the world which was outside her home. She started authoring her poetry as a way of expressing how her life was and how she hated some of her friends and family pressures. It was so unfortunate that Dickenson’s late life was full of mourning because of several deaths that occurred during a time frame of a few years. Her father died in 1874, her brother died in 1878, her mother died in 1882, and her nephew in 1883 (Burt 110). Due to these deaths, her speculations for poetry started to come to a halt in 1884 whereby she suffered her first attack of one of her terminal illnesses such as hypertension. The whole of 1885, she was bedridden and on May 1886 she took her last breath. She lived in solitude and had a very boring life that was full of tragedies and problems. On the other hand, Plath had several problems which made her life miserable. To start with, she was born during the time of The Great Depression when the nation was being faced with severe economic problems. Secondly, when she was only eight years old her father died from complications following a foot amputation due to untreated diabetes. This event introduced a lot of pain in Plath’s life because her father had refused any treatment because his friend had died. It impacted negatively in her life because she lost her Christian values that her father had instilled in her. She enrolled at Smith College – a place where she broke her leg when she was skiing. She had a great desire to learn and she had so many trophies because of her art in poetry when she was eight years only. Her leg made her to lose confidence in herself and her life in general. This made her to make her first suicide attempt when she took an overdose of sleeping pills after she crawled under her house. After this incident, she was taken to a mental institution where she received treatment. To add to her problems, during her marriage, her husband – Hughes – had an affair with Plath’s best friend, Assia Wevill. She had earlier experienced an accident which many people belief was another suicide attempt. Plath was faced with many problems which resulted to depression and finally, she committed suicide, thus killing herself together with her two children in an inferno of gas which she lit. This was the same way through which that her friend – Assia – had committed suicide earlier. We can thus argue that Plath’s life was full of tragic incidences which made her to think of killing herself. Plath and Dickenson were authors of poems and novels and in their work they used their real life details as the raw materials. Before Dickenson died, she had written over 2000 poems. Most of her poetic work was discovered by her sister in a bag after her death. Further, a great deal of her poetic work reflected most of the tragedies that she had passed through. For example, Most of her poems talk about death – which is a major aspect that made her life miserable by taking her loved ones. To illustrate, in the â€Å"Because I could not stop death† poetry, Plath personifies death as a gentleman. In the first line, she states that since she was not in a position to stop death, it will kindly stop her, meaning that she was preparing to meet her death. There are various themes that she explored through the poems. To start with, she used love as a theme. She employed this concept to explain the situation that she was in because she was never married. Secondly, despair was another theme that she used in her poems. One can argue that she did this to express the despair that she had faced in her tragic life. Her poems – which she wrote while she was in the seminary – show her tendencies in her academic years. The prominent themes include the hard time that she faced trying to maintain close family ties, her preference for solitude over society, her intellectual curiosity, and her hesitation to accept Christianity in a manner that her family and friends wanted On the other hand, Plath described her tragic life indirectly in her poems and books. She used her life details as the raw materials for her art work. After the death of her father, Plath was a frequent caller at her father’s grave and this prompted her to write â€Å"Electra on Azalea Path,† which is a poem that described the memorable moments of her father’s life (Horvath 61). Conversely, Plath pointed out her idea of committing suicide through her various poetic works. She wrote a book named â€Å"The Bell Jar,† which is a semi-autographical work describing her entire life. She used the â€Å"Fig Tree† as an analogy; a ripe fruit represented her intended future. She also used a woman who is ready to â€Å"Learn German† but is haunted by her past. This shows that Plath did not like her past and the only way to show this was by putting it through poems and books In conclusion, the lives of these two authors were full of similar tragedies. They were both rebellious to the Christian religion and to the efforts of their friends and family in forcing them into it. They have used poetry to describe the lives that they have lived and the injustices that they have faced in their entire lives. They died being heroes of poetry even though they were not aware. In their poetic work, these two women were similar in the fact that they used examples of repressed women who have been able to write their work in poetry and other writings. This was despite the fact that the society did not give a chance for women to do so. Both have manifested themselves as people who are not destroyed by the repression of the male-dominated society. The main difference between them is the time in which they started to write. Dickenson started writing after her twenties whereas Plath started when she was very young. Works Cited Burt, Daniel S. The Biography Book: A Reader’s Guide to Nonfiction, Fictional, And Film Biographies of More Than 500 of the Most Fascinating Individuals of All Time. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2001. Horvath, Rita. Never Asking Why Build – Only Asking Which Tools†: Confessional Poetry And The Construction Of The Self. Andrea Pok, Hungary: Akademiai Kiado, 2005. Paul. C. Emily Dickinson’s Life. July 23, 2010. .

Leadership -Its Importance for Today’s Organization

Managing a flourishing business or strengthening the health of an already reputable business needs fit, continuing leadership and management, marketing and financial management, and planning, product and service development. (Barbara Kellerman, Jeffrey Z. Rubin, 1988) Definition of â€Å"Leadership† and Differences with Respect to â€Å"Management† Leading is influencing someone in some means. The majority people will have the same opinion on at least this much of some perfect definition for the term. There are several, further aspects to this statement that could be explored; however this simple definition may be sufficient to go forward. (Robert A. Corrigan, 2002) A â€Å"leader† is a name who is leading — maybe. A number of writers make use of the term â€Å"leader† as based on the formal role in an organization. Other writers talk about a â€Å"leader† as someone who is showing character of leading. Though, many writers would oppose that a CEO is always a leader. For instance, if an organization is floundering badly with little or no direction, possibly the CEO is not efficiently leading the organization and, consequently, is in fact not a leader. It is bsed on one's use of the word â€Å"leader†. Nearly everyone would have the same opinion that the term â€Å"Leadership† refers to the capability to lead. Many writers use the word â€Å"leadership† to refer to a person who shows traits of leading. Though, many writers as well use the term to denote the executive level of an organization. Conventionally the term â€Å"management† is portrayed as the functions of planning, organizing, leading as well as controlling activities in an organization. â€Å"Managing† is elucidated as carrying out these activities. Courses in management frequently teach from this point of view. Some writers pursue this view and think that the activity of leading is however one facet of management. Other writers differ and state that â€Å"managing† is planning, organizing and controlling and that â€Å"leading† is a definitely separate activity that first and foremost involves influencing people. An old saying that follows from this last view is â€Å"Leaders do the right things. Managers do things right†. One more saying is â€Å"Leaders lead people, managers manage things†. Other writers would even oppose with this view, still. They would emphasize that, even though a person happens to be carrying out activities that persuade others, if he or she does not hold an official role in the organization with the designation of â€Å"manager†, then he or she is not a â€Å"leader†. Leading is an extremely human activity. All of us are human. Consequently the majority of us can present a lot of advice regarding what a good leader should do. We want them to change themselves and their organizations, at the same time making sure that all of us have jobs. We put forward that leaders construct teams, yet focus on employees. They must develop clarity, yet embrace change and confusion. In the meantime, certainly, no matter how much a person thinks that leading is separate from managing, every leader has to operate within definite budget limit. Executive-level leaders hear from board members and others in the organization that the top precedence is strong financial management. The effort to take risks at the same time as managing cash flow can be devastating. As a result, it can turn out to be quite confusing for these leaders to glean a consistent message from all of the continuing advice. (The Washington Times, 2005). The Importance of Leadership to Effective Strategy Development and Implementation Strategic planning finds out where an organization is going over the next year or more, how it is going to get there also how it'll know if it got there or not. The focus of a strategic plan is generally on the whole organization. They find out direction. They move organizations from where they are to where they have to be. Leaders make things come about. They form the culture. They make use of the management tools. Leaders are ground-breaking. They face truth and rally appropriate resources. They give confidence others to do the same. (Gilbert W. Fairholm, 1998) Employee Perceptions of What Constitutes Effective Leadership Note: Great question for survey It is a tough job to run a group of people where authority has to be earned. Only some people do it effectively, for the reason that it demands an unusual amalgamation of attributes. A belief in oneself is the merely thing that gives an individual the poise to step into the unknown and to influence others to go where no one has gone before, however this has to be combined with a well-mannered doubt, the humbleness to accept that one can be mistaken on occasion, that others as well have ideas, that listening is as vital as talking. A fervor for the job offers the energy and focus that drive the organization and that act as an instance to others, however this as well has to be combined with its opposite, an awareness of other worlds, for the reason that focus can turn to blinkers, an incapability to think beyond one's own box. Great leaders manage time to read, to convene people beyond their own circle, to walk in other worlds. The leader should have a love of people, as in a community of individuals, those who discover individuals a pain and an irritation may be respected or feared, however they will not be keenly followed. (Nelson Fabian, 2004)  Thus far this attribute, too, needs its opposite, a capability for aloneness, for the reason that leaders have to be out front. It is not always probable to share one's uncertainties with anyone else. Only some will thank the leader when things go right, however several will blame the leader if things go wrong. Great leaders have to walk alone now and then. They as well have to live vicariously, obtaining their satisfaction from the victories of others and giving those others the gratitude that they themselves are often denied. Living with these inconsistencies needs great strength of character. It as well needs a belief in what one is doing. Money only will not be sufficient to offer the reason to live with these contradictions. Even a love of power is inadequate, as power irons out the contradictions somewhat than holding them in balance. Great leaders are raised from great causes, however leaders at their best, too raised great causes. Unhappily, for want of a cause, we also frequently create a crisis, which is not the similar thing at all. Until and unless business makes a cause bigger and more espousal than enhancement of the shareholders, it will have only some great leaders. We are more probable to find them in the nonprofit ground. If that is so, in that case that sector may yet turn out to be the training ground for business and conceivably even for politics. (Kathleen Zimmerman-Oster, John C. Burkhardt, 1999) Characteristics of Effective Leaders Introduced with humor and humility, and characteristically tending to treat individuals in their organizations in the same way, with no smiling up as well as kicking down. Self-aware, and sincere with themselves as to their own strengths, weaknesses, and honest hard work to improve. Curious and friendly enough in order that others feel safe offering honest comment and innovative ideas. Unprejudiced and capable of esteeming their competitors or adversaries also learning from them, in both leadership circumstances and general business conditions. Action leaning which surfaces not as a wish to move for movement's sake however to move straightforwardly toward a clear objective with a persistent follow-through. Leaders who can flash the mind's eye with a convincing vision of a valuable end that stretches us beyond what is known at present, and who can interpret that to clear objectives, are the ones we go after. Flourishing business leaders build up goals to attain their vision. Their promise to the goals, and consequently to the vision, is made clear by both their actions as well as their frequent communication of what have to be done, and why. With apparent objectives in mind, the issue then turns out to be what a leader will do, how he or she will act at the same time as working with and through people in chase of the end goal. Even though leaders have to become accustomed to a specific and ever-changing set of circumstances, the most successful leaders show a common set of behaviors. Leaders share one more attribute that is vital for success: self-confidence. Sharply differentiated from arrogance or self-centeredness, a healthy level of self-confidence allows the leader to carry out the difficult ventures essential to meet his or her objectives. (Joy Bennett Kinnon, 2005) How Can One Develop Leadership Skills Required for Today's Rapidly Changing Environment? Leadership development is an attempt that improves the learner's capability to lead people. Leading is setting path and directing others to pursue that direction. The first place to start learning regarding leadership is to get some sense of what leadership is — particularly, know get an impression of the areas of knowledge as well as skills suggested for efficient leadership in organizations. In fact effective leaders in the years ahead will have persons resolute by strong values and conviction in the capacity of individuals to grow. They will have a picture of the society where they would like their organizations plus themselves to live. They will be creative thinker, they will believe sturdily that they can and must be shaping the future, and they will be active on that viewpoint through their personal behavior. In the future the genuine center competence of companies will be the capability to incessantly and imaginatively obliterate and remake them to meet customer demands. Everybody in the organization have to take accountability for taking responsive actions. This means that a company requests leadership all over the place in the organization. Thus leadership is the capability to see reality as it actually is and to mobilize the suitable response. Summary All of the different suggestions regarding good leadership can sound very tempting, for example; to have clear vision, embrace transform, lead from doctrine, be a servant to your people, nurture community, focus on the future, and all that. (Anthony B. Robinson, 1999) Conclusion We live and work in a enthralling, however fearful time. Augmented competition is forcing organizations to put into practice customer-driven strategies where industry-driven policies worked before. To be more adjustable, organizations are decentralizing. Organizations are changing, reinventing as well as reengineering. Consequently, there is frequently a great deal of pain in organizations. References: Anthony B. Robinson, 1999. Leadership That Matters; The Christian Century, Vol. 116, December 15 Barbara Kellerman, Jeffrey Z. Rubin, 1988. Leadership and Negotiation in the Middle East; Praeger Publishers Gilbert W. Fairholm, 1998. Perspectives on Leadership: From the Science of Management to Its Spiritual Heart; Quorum Books Joy Bennett Kinnon, 2005. What's Behind the Biggest Upheaval Ever in Black Leadership? Magazine article; Ebony, Vol. 60, April Kathleen Zimmerman-Oster, John C. Burkhardt, 1999. Leadership in the Making: A Comprehensive Examination of the Impact of Leadership Development Programs on Students; Journal of Leadership Studies Nelson Fabian, 2004. Leadership-What Is It and Are You Headed for It?; Journal of Environmental Health, Vol. 67 Robert A. Corrigan, 2002. Presidential Leadership: Moral Leadership in the New Millennium; Liberal Education, Vol. 88 The Washington Times, 2005. What Ails FEMA? Lack of Effective Leadership Newspaper article; September 13

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Of Mice and Men Film/Book Comparison

The lack of interaction between the Weak' ones of the ranch in the film version of Of Mice and Men results in the obscuring of the theme of handicaps that is present throughout the novel. In the film, the scene begins with Leonie approaching Crooks as the rest of the men are in the nearby town. They discuss Lien's desire to tend rabbits and later on, Leonie makes it clear his intention for George and he to be together till the end. George comes in, escorts Leonie out of the room where they encounter Curlers wife as she complains of her unhappy marriage and runs away.The book varies in the way that Curlers wife and Candy are both in the room as they all talk. As Candy, Leonie, and Crooks discuss the promise of a brighter future, Curlers wife is quick to crush their dreams with the reality of each of their situations. After she humiliates them, they are defeated and their harsh circumstances sink in. It is important to notice in the novel that each character has their own handicap, whe ther it is age, gender, race, mental capability, or physical capability; although they show strength even with their weak descriptions, the purpose of the theme is to convey the low tolerance their society has of handicaps.For example, Crooks, even being a bitter man, latches onto their dream of the little house for the promise of companionship, but because of his race and the prejudice during the time period, Curlers wife makes sure he knows that he will never be accepted. Although the handicaps are physically portrayed In the film, they are not reinforced well enough because there isn't as big of a power difference between Leonie and Crooks as there is between them and Curlers wife. Curlers wife may be handicapped as her loneliness makes her desperate, but she has the ability to take away any hope they eave.Also, in the novel, Curlers wife mentions that the men left the three Weak' ones at home. This comment serves to further describe the time period as there Is never enough prote ction for the weak from the strong. The theme of handicaps Is essential to the comprehension of the novel as It grasps the concept of Inequality; without the theme's distinction, there Is no closure, positive or negative, that Is needed for the reader to comprehend the negative Impact the fictional world has on a group of people that are not as strong as society requires them to be.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Economy and its types

Economy: –It is the sum sum of the ingestion, distribution, production in a state, which measures that how an economic system is.There are three economic systems.1. Plan ECONOMY OR COMMAND ECONOMY: –An economic system where production and the ingestion is decided by the cardinal authorities.It is an economic system where devlopment capacity is less and where investing is limited.In this economic system everybody have a occupation, but they get limited rewards, here people are normally deprived of nomadic phones and latest technology.They live a really simple and humdrum life, consumers do non hold disposable income so that they can put on some sort of luxury.2. MARKET ECONOMY OR FREE ENTERPRISE: –A economic system which is free, though the authorities is in power but everybody is given right to bask his/her rights in a more free manner.Here, concerns play a cardinal function, concerns are motivated by net incomes to do merchandises that clients will buy.This econ omic system provides a competitory forepart for every concerns to work efficiently.Here if the economic system is pure it could even take to inequality in society, this sort of pure market economic system is holding several drawbacks.3. Assorted Economy: –This type of an economic system is the mixture of planned and market economy.Private sectors operate in order to gain and public sectors operate for non net income reasons.Almost every state today patterns this economic system. Markets chief purpose is to do out the maximal net income with less investment.Technological inventions boost up the market economic system and do it make to its heights.It could boost up the economic system with higher returns.Discussing on the superficial degree of an economic system, an economic system trades with per capita income, mean income, gross domestic merchandise, etc.All these major sectors of an economic system face alterations in regard to a state if there is any new technological innovation.Take the illustration of computing machines when it was launched it hike up the economic system and doubled it up undoubtedly.It reduced the cost of production, gave an easiness to everything, made adult male to take a epicurean and comfy life, it remarkebly reduced the adult male is nowhere without computers.Technology is something that reduced costs and improves pick for consumer.Technology is so polar to the growing of a concern in bettering the competition and bett ering public presentation which consequences in hiking up profitability.Any new engineering have a immense and long impacts on economies.Take the illustration of nomadic phones, when it entered the economic system it hiked up the businesses.Its profitableness was the major factor which was its ground to be a blessing for the people.It changed the manner the houses communicated, the old traditional slow manner of communication was replaced by high velocity communicating which was every bit reliable.Promotion of goods and services through this technological invention have made work easy.So, engineering is a advanced gift which mankind pursue and will be prosecuting. In the present scenario communicating plays a cardinal function in hiking up the businesses.Today mobile phones are non for chew the fating with friends, household they have reached far in its deductions all over the Earth. The nomadic phones have made things simpler and easy traveling, its use is huge, today one can make concerns from one state to another on phones, which have remarkebly reduced conveyance cost and assorted other factors which earlier was a needed thing with a business.Today nomadic phones have created a roar with kenyas gross domestic product and it is increased remarkebly.They have craeted employment, it fulfilled the basic necessities of one ‘s life.Be it india, us or uk, everybody have an economic growing as a state. From butcher to elite man of affairs everyone have it, without which they cant unrecorded, it have become a necessity.With nomadic phones, land lines concerns have reduced exceptionally, people stop utilizing them, many land lines connexion were disconnected, landlines concerns failed.Everyone require something compact, portable and cheaper to run into their demands in a better way.According to 2006 study, subscription to repair telephone lines continued there diminution, down 1.5 % to 33.6 million in 2006.The increasing popularity of nomadic phones and the ruin of landline phones, shows that nomadic phones evidently have an upper manus to land lines, when it comes to holding lower hazards in the market and gaining immense net incomes. ( taking vodafone as a instance ) . This shows that how marke alterations with new technological inventions and how it effects the economic system and what impact does it hold on old engineering.